No, no...I have not taken up running. Please, that's just silly. As I was on my daily hour walk in the park this morning, it occured to me as I saw my running buddy pass me again, that I've seen this guy a lot since we've been back in Sydney. No...nothing creepy. (At least I hope not.) We just both happen to run/walk in the park around the same time every day. Where am I going with this? Nowhere, really. Just making an observation that my life right now is at a pace that one may call leisurely. Some might say a crawl...What have my days been like since returning to Sydney?
Get up really early. Slept in till 7:45 this morning...finally getting back to a full night's sleep.
Eat toast and tea for breakfast. favorite breakfast food, toast.
Walk for an hour in the park. (and see my running buddy.)
Shower and get dressed. (I am dressed when I walk in the park. I know this is Australia, but I think even here, people would stare a bit at that.)
Go on the computer.
Play some Yahoo games. I'm frustrated I just can't get past making $360 a day in Penquin Diner. What is the secret?
Clean or do laundry.
Eat lunch.
Finish cleaning or laundry.
Go on the computer.
Maybe go on another walk. (Although it's been in the 90's here a lot this week...too hot for me.)
Sit on the balcony and people watch.
Eat dinner here or walk and meet Phil at some restaurant.
Watch reruns on tv. Seriously...Friends is still the funniest show on tv.
Go on the computer.
Read some more.
Go to bed.
Yeah...I life is tough. But this weekend will break up the vigorous pace. Phil and I are flying to the Gold Coast tonight. I don't know too much about it, except that it's about an hour or hour and a half flight to an area on the coast (uh...duh) between Sydney and Brisbane. We're going to Sea World, Warner Brother's Movie World (sort of like Six Flags), and the Australian Outback Spectacular Dinner and Rodeo show. Whoo hoo! I'll be sure to post some pictures when we get back. That is, if I can fit it in sometime in my schedule.
Tornado Aftermath
5 years ago
I want to come sit and people watch with you. One of my favorite activities. Well, that, and getting on the computer :) Have fun this weekend!
Boy...all I can say is...enjoy it while it lasts...and take in that GREAT COUNTRY down there.
I ventured over to your house the other day ..but you had left...guess you knew I was coming...ha ha
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