Thursday, October 30, 2008
It Snowed!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Hanmer Springs...New Zealand's Alpine Spa Village
Late morning we left for our next adventure...horseback riding. Seriously! I've never ridden a horse before and it was always something I wanted to try. The drive out to the farm was again, beautiful. So was the farm itself. Take a look.
Now the horse lady knew that in our group, I was the only one who had never gotten on a horse before. And which horse did I get? Raleigh...who according to her is, "The biggest horse in all of New Zealand." Uh...thanks. One seems very far off of the ground when seated on a huge horse while holding tightly to the reins. But Raleigh and I hit it off...when he wouldn't jerk his big ol' head forward nearly lifting me off of the saddle. Now I thought we would just be plodding along little trails around the farm. And we did...but soon set off up a small mountain. With no guard rails. On a horse. Yeah, I was a bit freaked out. Remember the scene from The Brady Bunch when they were at the Grand Canyon and taking a mule ride down into the canyon and Alice is furiously waving her hand over to get the mule to hug the canyon wall? Yep...I know the feeling. But the views...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
We're Back from New Zealand
After going through the museum, you could get in line to ride the Hagglund, a vehicle used down in Antarctica. The obstacle course that it took us through was a bit jarring to say the least! But very fun.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It Is What It Is...
The week is passing a bit slow, due to the fact that Phil is away right now in Singapore. Bummer. I don't even have him here to ply with questions as soon as he steps in the front door. "How was your day? What did you have for lunch? Do you know what I had for lunch? What are we going to do for dinner? Do you want to go out? I wonder what's on tv tonight? Guess where I walked today?" etc. etc. I'm sure he's glad for the reprieve. (while also missing me, the joy of his life.)
I really just wanted to put up another post to check and see if people can now post comments. For some reason, the last two posts wouldn't let people do that. Due to the overwhelming demands of my reading public (okay...two people asked what was up) I, the tech wiz that I am, was determined to fix the wrong and let you be heard. I think I found out the problem, although I'm not really sure and just hope that the comment thingie (official tech wiz language) appears at the end of this post. Good news, however. The blog will once again get interesting after this weekend because Phil and I are leaving the country!
Not to head back to the states just yet, but we're spending a long weekend in New Zealand. We're heading to Christchurch on Friday morning and then driving to a little town in the mountains called Hanmer Springs. For those of you who are uninformed (which was me until just a bit ago), New Zealand is made up of two islands and we're headed to the South Island. People here have said to me that it is the better one to go to because it's just so beautiful. They remark that the Lord of the Rings movies were filmed there.
Well...that doesn't do anything for me, because I think I've only seen one of them. I say I think because I don't remember a whole lot about it. Something about a ring, a guy named Frodo, and some guy with a long white beard? I don't know. It was just kind of dark and had lots of suspense in it...which I don't do when it comes to movies. But, at any rate, if I come across any signs that say, "LOR filmed here" I'll take a picture for all you fans. So...on that note, hopefully my next posts will contain stunning pictures and witty prose about our trip to New Zealand.
And on a totally different note...I just found out at the library this afternoon (while reading the New York Times...yes, I have time on my hands at the moment) that Grant Balfour, a pitcher for the Tampa Bay baseball team is from Sidney. An Australian who plays American baseball?? Interesting, yes, but in no way pulls my allegiance from our beloved Philadelphia Phillies who play in the World Series(!!!!!) this week. Darn it...Murphy's Law states that one will be thousands of miles away on the other side of the world when your team finally makes the World Series. Hopefully we can still watch it in New Zealand this weekend to say...GO PHILLIES!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
This is What I'm Looking At
On the other side of the Harbour, you can see an amusement park called Luna Park. At night when it's all lit up, the face at the entrance is lit up in a freakish way. I see these big eyes and mouth (which is what you walk through to get into the park) staring at me all the way from our balcony. Here's a closer look...
Coming from around the point on my way back, there's a great view of our next door neighbor, the Opera House.
Today, after meeting Phil for lunch at Australian Square, a food court in a building close to his, I decided to take my "Into the City" route. Right at Australian Square was a group of army vehicles parked in an alley (not sure why they were there) but thought of my nephew, Sammy who's 5, loves anything to do with the military, and wants to fly jets off of a carrier in the Navy when he grows up. So, Sammy...this is for you.
Monday, October 13, 2008
So I'm Looking Like a Raccoon...
The website for the Inn, states that the Inn was built in 1836 and is surrounded by mountains. True. It also states that the Inn is "nestled along the Macdonald River". True, again. The website did not say we were in the middle of absolutely nowhere, but that was true too.
On the way home coming through Wiseman's Ferry, lo and behold we passed the property for what used to be the Word of Life Christian Camp and Bible Institute of Australia. Felt the urge to break into a rousing rendition of "Holding forth the Word of Life..." Amazing (and a bit frightening) that after all these years the song never leaves the recesses of the mind of a former Island STC'er and wolbi alum. The property no longer belongs to Word of Life (as the sign in Korean? Chinese?) showed us (as well a check on the internet once we got back), but the old faded WOL sign was still there. Quite the beautiful piece of property.
All in all a nice day spent outdoors. Except for the raccoon eyes, of course.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Deep In Thought at McDonald's

Monday, October 6, 2008
The (Sea) Eagles Win the Championship!!
A pre-game show.
Some rugby action. And let me just say...those guys are nuts. It's like full-tackle football without any pads. Crazy! And they beat Melbourne 40-0.
And finally, the beginning of the awards ceremony where you can see Australia's Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, third from the right in the line of people congratulating the winning players.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
A Night Away in Canberra
You can't see it well, but there's an eternal flame at the top of the water pool there. And on the upper level behind all those open windows on each side are two huge walls, called The Roll of Honour, with the names of every Australian who, I think, has died while serving in the military. You see little red poppy flowers pressed into the cracks between sheets of names.
The War Memorial Musuem has sections on WWI, WWII, an aircraft hall, Australia's Unknown Soldier, Anzac hall, and among other exhibits, also a section on Conflicts from 1945 till today. That's where this helicopter the Vietnam section.
Thoroughly enjoyed the whole museum. Could've spent more hours there, but I think my other half had seen all he wanted to see. So alas...I did not get to read every plaque, picture, and display there. But still...was good.On the steps of the War Memorial you can see the old Parliament House (the white building in front) and the new Parliament building (the modern building in the back that looks like it has a big compass on the top of it). Cool view.
We then went to the old parliament building and went on a tour of the building. After that, we drove over to the new parliament building and looked around as well. Saw both the Senate and House of Representative chambers.
We drove back to Sydney tonight. Saw a full rainbow...both ends! Both of us had never seen a full arc before. Also drove through seriously torrential rain and if that wasn't enough, then thru soupy fog. Quite the ride! I white-knuckled through it a few times.
Well, with the time change that happens here tonight, it's now almost midnight. So on that note...
(Note to any callers from the states, we are now 15 hours ahead. Karen, thinking about the call at 5:00 am one morning...especially, take note.) :)