Just love getting a sunburn on my face while wearing my sunglasses. But it's the middle of October...I'm not used to having to remember the sunscreen. I'm all mixed up... it's getting warmer, the days are getting longer, we're passing by huge blow-up Santa lawn ornaments being advertised at a nursery when it's around 80 degrees out...just crazy. And just where did I get this sunburn? After church on Sunday we hopped into the Jeep (top down-hence the sunburn) and drove about an hour and a half north to St. Alban's. This was where Phil drove before I came back here last month.
First, in Wiseman's Ferry, we had to take the ferry over to the other side of the river.

We ate lunch at the Settler's Arms Inn.
The website for the Inn, http://www.settlersarms.com.au/ states that the Inn was built in 1836 and is surrounded by mountains. True. It also states that the Inn is "nestled along the Macdonald River". True, again. The website did not say we were in the middle of absolutely nowhere, but that was true too.

Just passed (past? I'm not sure. They both look right) this tree on the right and down a bit is the bank of the Macdonald River. Imagine the surprise when a helicopter comes and lands in the middle of the river. Yeah, really. About 300 feet in front of where I was sitting. Now the river wasn't too full of water and the helicopter did land on a sand bar, but still. Not sure a helicopter could just land in a river next to a restaurant in the states so the people could have a bite to eat.
On the way home coming through Wiseman's Ferry, lo and behold we passed the property for what used to be the Word of Life Christian Camp and Bible Institute of Australia. Felt the urge to break into a rousing rendition of "Holding forth the Word of Life..." Amazing (and a bit frightening) that after all these years the song never leaves the recesses of the mind of a former Island STC'er and wolbi alum. The property no longer belongs to Word of Life (as the sign in Korean? Chinese?) showed us (as well a check on the internet once we got back), but the old faded WOL sign was still there. Quite the beautiful piece of property.
All in all a nice day spent outdoors. Except for the raccoon eyes, of course.