Monday, September 8, 2008

Bloke's Day in Australia

"Bloke"- the Australian equivalant of "dude" or "tough guy". It's like the wild west out here this weekend with the womanfolk back in the US. That's right- this is my truck. And yeah- that's mud that it's covered in (this after a few hours of rain cleaning it off for me).

This weekend, I decided to be a bit manly and take the truck out to the outback. Ok, it was really semi rural suburban Sydney, but for US standards, this was the outback...

The destination, the Settler's Arms Pub in St Albans, New South Wales. A town and pub older than Australia itself. The method- staying on dirt roads (and possibly illegally leaving those dirt roads from time to time...) as much as possible.

I made it out there in about two hours time. After going a bit north of St Albans to get a little more dirt trail riding in, I came back and grabbed some lunch at the Settler's Arms. This was a seriously cool old pub. It was basically the only building in the town of St Albans but for a few old houses. I was picturing St Alban's to be a small town with some shops and restaurants and a downtown area. Here it is:

That's right- it's really just a pub and a few houses. And a fire station that's roughly the size of my tool shed.

Here's the entrance and exit to the town to give you some sense of the majesty of this place:

And here's the obstacles to be encountered along the way (by the way, 10 bucks to the first person who can tell me what's wrong with this sign!!):

Now that my rugged weekend is over, the truth of the matter is, I'm really sick and there's nobody here to care.... So much for the bloke, he turned bleak!!

Tomorrow in honor of the Eagles (and BTW- I can't get anyone here to respond to "E","A","G","L","E","S"....) big 1st game win, we learn about the Australian concept of a punt...

What do you do when the road ends and the water starts- apparently you punt!


David Rudd said...

i can't tell, but does that bovine have horns and an udder?

did the beagles punt at all yesterday?

Sandra said...

Very perceptive- especially on the much smaller blog version of the picture where I realized that said udders and horns are not as easily identifiable as they are on the full blown picture!!

Next time we meet- $10AUD to Dave, but at the rate that we're going here, that's going to be about a dollar....

Unfortunately I didn't see the Eagles game, only the sports center highlights which were short... I did get to see the bears game and the panthers game and the unfortunate prime time loss of the phillies to the mets.

Dave Majeski said...

Phil, I will come out there and we can go mudding together! Maybe hit a couple of Joeys along the way.
What you dont realize is that in his spare time, Rudd actually makes those signs for spare cash. That is why he was so on the ball.