Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I won, I won, I won !!!
Now as for my list of things I was dreaming about...
Seeing Sox- check. Oh, so nice.
Eating a Cheesesteak- yet to come
Sleeping in our own bed- check. Felt like I was laying on a marshmellow. Man, there's something to be said for a memory-foam, pillow-top mattress.
Drinking glasses of Diet Coke filled to the top with ice- check. Four and counting...
Watching tv shows that aren't reruns from years ago- yet to come. Who has time for tv when I'm catching up on all these other things?
Pizza from Peppi's- yet to come but did have Brother's Pizza tonight. Mmmm.
Going to Phillies games- check. And last night's game...The Phillies beat the Rockies 20-5. Hits and home runs galore. And a bonus...dollar dog night at Citizen's Bank Park. Ashley declined the hot dogs, I had one and Phil had three, but Gregg took the prize with five.
Being with friends and family- check. Just the best, with more to come.
Driving on the right side of the road- check. It's so nice to drive without the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that I just may hit something this time.
There's no place like home.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Amazing Race Part II: Phil's Revenge
I'll leave you so I can continue dreaming about seeing Sox, eating a cheesesteak, sleeping in our own bed, drinking glasses of Diet Coke filled to the top with ice, watching tv shows that aren't reruns from years ago, pizza from Peppi's, going to Phillies games, being with friends and family, driving on the right side of the road...
Monday, May 19, 2008
Busy Weekend
Here's a picture of yours truly a little bit closer to the waterfall.
And here's a picture of the building at the top of the waterfall.
Why, why does it sometimes put pictures sideways ???? Sorry, I can't figure out how to change it, but if you tilt your head to the side, it's still a good picture of a cool building.
We then drove over to Watson's Bay to walk around Gap Park and eat some good ole' fish and chips at Doyle's Wharf. Check out the skyline of Sydney from the top of the cliff we climbed and hiked around. Fun weekend!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Driving Solo in Sydney's like driving a tank down the streets of Sydney. And did I mention that the streets of Sydney are more narrow than the streets of the U.S.? I'm crossing the Harbour Bridge with a huge bus on one side of me and a cement barrier right out side my car window. I'm sucking in all air and holding my breath in order to make myself more narrow. Anyhoo, see that pole next to the car? That was my nemesis. But you can hardly see the scratch, right?
Once I got on the open road, no problem. Except for those narrow lanes. Oh, and parking once I got to the church. There was absolutely no way I was going to try and turn this tank into a parking spot so I just parked on the street.
After the Bible study, I felt brave and decided to drive to a mall that we usually go to on Sundays after church to do our grocery shopping for the week. (Yes, most malls here have a grocery store in them.) That car park isn't a problem because it's much bigger and I parked in the middle of no-man's land without anything near me for a good 20 feet. This was after I nagivated through one of Sydney's most annoying features. Round-abouts. They're traffic circles that they have everywhere instead of a lot of traffic lights. Remembering which way to go around the circle isn't the big deal. Remembering that the car already in the circle has the right of way is. Happy to report the brakes and seat belts work real well in Beast.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Back From Camp
A. The Opera House
B. Sydney Hospital
C. St. James Church- built back in 1820- therefore the oldest one
D. Hyde Park Barracks- This was built in 1819 to house convicts who worked in the city. It then
became a place for poor, single women and orphans to live. It's a cool
museum to walk through.
E. Parliament House- Where the NSW state legislature sits and meets
F. State Library of New South Wales
G. Sydney Conservatorium of Music
And for the bonus question answer...they are all on the street we live on- Macquarie Street.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Where in the World is Sandra Lankford?
Hint: You never want to go here, but if need're glad it's here.
Hint: It's the oldest church in Sydney
Hint: Convicts
Hint: There are government flags outside of this building.
Hint: If you read this right, you may be able to figure out what this is.
G. Hint: Stop here and listen to the music
AND FOR YOUR BONUS QUESTION: What one thing do all of these buildings have in common? (And no, it isn't just that they're all in Sydney.)
So start digging, surfing the web, or whatever you do to find stuff out and post your answers as a comment. I'll reveal the answers and if we have a winner, when Phil and I return on Sunday afternoon from our weekend away. We are going to family camp. Yes, that's right. The church we've been attending has family camp every year so we're joining the fun this year. It's at a conference center about an hour and 1/2 north of Sydney and I have no idea what to expect. I am looking forward to getting to know people better, though, so I'll let you know how it went next week.
Oh...last night Phil and I met with a guy Phil works with and his wife at a restaurant in Chinatown for dinner. Yes, I was afraid. Very afraid. (of the food, not the people). I tried Peking Duck, one of the appetizers. I'm happy to tasted like chicken. It went fine with my main dish of yes, you guessed it...chicken. I did have some Mongolian Beef as well as these lettuce wraps that reminded me of the lettuce wrap appetizers that we always get at P.F. Chang's. See...I'm branching out.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
We're Supposed to Bring What??!!
Last night, Phil and I decided to go over to the home of a couple from the church we've been attending who hosts a small group every Tuesday night for Bible study. I wasn't sure of the time, so I called Judy to ask her when it starts. I thought to myself (rather proudly) that I remembered reading a book on Australian culture before we arrived that said to always offer to bring something when invited over to someone's house here. So I asked, "Can we bring anything?" Judy responded, "Just a bottle."
Now...still thinking to myself as I dialed Phil to let him know the time, "Does she mean a bottle of wine? Are we supposed to bring one every Tuesday night?"
After I relayed the conversation to Phil in all seriousness on my part, I was met with silence over the phone on his part. And then Phil said (with what I sense was a bit of mirth on his part), "Ya think she might've said to bring a Bible to Bible study?" Oh. Yeah. That would make more sense, I thought sheepishly, as I replayed the conversation in my mind. But I swear it sounded like bottle with that accent. English, indeed.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Scuba Diving and Snorkeling the Barrier Reef
We got to the dive boat around 11:30 am or so and after a briefing on how things worked and lunch, we had our first water session at 1:30. Here's a picture of the boat that we stayed on with the mountains of Cairns, Australia way in the distance.
Yep...we would dive/snorkel, then the boat would pull the anchor up and we'd go to another area on the Reef and do the same. For those who wanted to (and there were quite a few who did) you could dive/snorkel all 6 water sessions every day: 6:30 am (yeah, whatever), 8:30 am, 10:30 am. 1:30 pm. 3:30 pm. and then the night dive at 6:30 pm. And no...I did not partake of the opportunity 6 times a day. I did snorkel a few times. Mostly on my own since Phil was with an instructor completing dives for his scuba certification. And yes, I also spent quite a bit of time on the top deck sitting in the sun with a book. Finished two of them on the trip. Here's a picture of some snorkelers, so pretend I'm one of them.
Now to be honest...I would be a snorkeler with a pool noodle. You know those tube-like floats that people like to lean on when in a pool? If I'm going to be floating along in the middle of the ocean, I'm not ashamed to admit I want a floatie.
When the boat was not in the middle of a water session, everyone sat around getting to know each other. I've never met so many people from other countries in one place in my life. We met people from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, France, the UK, Brazil, New Zealand, and of course, Australia. And a couple of Americans as well. Would you even believe a recent grad of Bob Jones University?
To be honest, I'd never really given the Barrier Reef much thought. I guess because I never thought I'd ever see it. But the colors underwater are just...unreal. Pink, light blue, purple, golden, white, deep blue, etc....It's beautiful. The fish included. I've never seen so many colors and different sizes and shapes. And last snorkeling session, I did find Nemo! :)
One night we went out on the top deck to sit and look at the sky. I've never seen so many stars in all my life. And the Milky Way, too. I actually saw it! The stars seemed to go all the way to the horizon. I've never seen them so close. It felt like you could reach out and touch them. I don't remember the actual reference, but some verse in Psalms states that God has numbered the stars. It was amazing to really think about while looking up.
Finally, some pictures of Scuba Phil himself. Here he is with his diving partner, Frank. He did get his certification and really liked diving. Great...I was just thinking that Phil needed another hobby.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Cairns to Kuranda
Ok, now I don't know why that picture came up sideways, and I can't get it to turn, but if you turn your head to the left, it's still a nice picture of the falls. We passed Glacier Rock and Red Bluff, while also going through 15 hand-carved tunnels up the mountain. After tunnell 14 we saw this great view of the Coral Sea with the city of Cairns at the coast.
We also passed by Robb's Monument (and Rob, a fitting monument to you!) and then finally Barron Falls. Another pretty waterfall.
Once we got to Kuranda, we walked through the little town. Lots of shops, restaurants, cafes, and tourist traps. While eating lunch I once again pondered why Australians think that putting beetroot (or beets as we call them) on hamburgers is a good thing. I don't get it. And hamburgers here taste more you're eating meatloaf. A sad thing when the best hamburger I can get here is at McDonald's. For the way back instead of taking the train we took the Skyrail. Notice the entrance is calm, even serene one might say.
Calm and serene is not what I'm feeling as I find myself once again, white-knuckling it in a little cable car for 4.7 miles as we flew over the rainforest in Barron Gorge National Park. I hate those things. And serene is not what I'm feeling as Phil is swaying the cable car from side to side. In fact, I believe my exact words were, "Sometimes you make me not like you."
But all was well as we took a bus back to Cairns and walked around the town before eating dinner. Tomorrow...our trip to the Great Barrier Reef.