's like driving a tank down the streets of Sydney. And did I mention that the streets of Sydney are more narrow than the streets of the U.S.? I'm crossing the Harbour Bridge with a huge bus on one side of me and a cement barrier right out side my car window. I'm sucking in all air and holding my breath in order to make myself more narrow. Anyhoo, see that pole next to the car? That was my nemesis. But you can hardly see the scratch, right?
Once I got on the open road, no problem. Except for those narrow lanes. Oh, and parking once I got to the church. There was absolutely no way I was going to try and turn this tank into a parking spot so I just parked on the street.
After the Bible study, I felt brave and decided to drive to a mall that we usually go to on Sundays after church to do our grocery shopping for the week. (Yes, most malls here have a grocery store in them.) That car park isn't a problem because it's much bigger and I parked in the middle of no-man's land without anything near me for a good 20 feet. This was after I nagivated through one of Sydney's most annoying features. Round-abouts. They're traffic circles that they have everywhere instead of a lot of traffic lights. Remembering which way to go around the circle isn't the big deal. Remembering that the car already in the circle has the right of way is. Happy to report the brakes and seat belts work real well in Beast.
Congrats! That is a big deal to get out there all on your own. Very proud of you. Cant even see the scratch so dont let phil give it to you too bad! OK, maybe a little. By the way, I could have answered most of your where in the world is Sandra, but I kind of thought it would be cheating just a bit! :) Hope all is well, Baxter says hi to Socks also...
Okay-I am picturing that movie-you know the british spoof on james bond-I can't think of it-the one before the spy who shagged me?...Remember him in the tunnel going back and forth and back and forth?...I'm cracking up-your blogs are so entertaining-Sounds like you have really stepped out of your box! You go girl!...trying peking duck, snorkeling...I'm impressed!! What memories you will have from this amazing experience!! Can't wait to see you---and soon!!
Love you,Beav
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