On Thursday the Pope was scheduled to arrive in Sydney Harbour by way of a boat-a-cade (that word still makes me laugh). The people kept coming to Circular Quay where his boat was going to turn around and began to line the area at least a good three hours before he was scheduled to arrive. Meanwhile I was able to stay in my apartment with relative ease...make some lunch...watch an episode of Law and Order...(by the way did you know you can watch Law and Order or some form of the show, Special Victims Unit, Criminal Intent etc. almost 100 times a week, every week on four different tv stations? I'm becoming an expert on both law and order.) Here's a picture of the crowd on the other side of our inlet...
The next picture shows the pope on the boat. No, really! Look at the front of the boat, the upper deck up front, see the green flag lying next to the side of the boat? (kind of in the shadow) The pope is just to the left in the white robe.
Look...our apartment building is on tv!!

I was kind of getting tired of hearing over and over again about "our holy father, blah, blah, blah" and was tempted to hang a sheet from our balcony that read, "My Holy Father is not the pope" but didn't want to cause an international incident or anything. Although it did bring back fond memories of Cedarville when our unit in Printy helped Phil's campaign for Student Body Government Treasurer by hanging a sheet from our balcony that read, "CedarPhil (get it...Cedarville, CedarPhil) for SGA Treasurer. He just makes cents." I'm convinced our sign helped turn the tide in the election. Ah, good times. Later that night, the pope drove through the city in his pope-mobile. Found out that I could see it by going out on the balcony off of our bedroom. Sorry, though. It's a bit blurry.

The pope-mobile then turned onto our street, Macquarie St., passed the Opera House, went through the Botanical Gardens and then back to St. Mary's Cathedral where he's staying. So, finally, here's a picture of his motercade passing the front of our apartment building on his way by the Opera House.
yeah right...the pope...i couldn't even find the "green flag"...nice try. :)
LOL, those were inded good times, and a brilliantly run campaign! Wasn't Amy the mastermind behind that slogan? It was a great one!
Yes, I believe she was. We must give credit where credit is due!!
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