Thursday, February 14, 2008

An Ode to Australia's Greatest Invention

As mentioned in a previous post, last Friday night we took the train to Olympic Park to hear a free outdoor concert that they have there every Friday night during the summer. We brought a blanket to spread out on, but did not anticipate the grass being a bit wet from the previous day's rain. Lo and behold (thanks Jess for the catchy phrase) we noticed they were selling (for $8) the holy grail for anyone tired of holding themselves up in a sitting position. I give you....the Bum Box. Check out their website: (and I did not pay $8...the guy behind the counter took pity on the pathetic Yank with wet stains on her jeans and just gave it to me. ) And ode to a truly wonderous invention!

When I'm in pain and can sit no more

and my back and bum feel very sore.

I pull you out and promptly sit.

My Bum Box is a perfect fit!

You can support 120 kilograms.

That's me or Phil plus a bag of yams.

We plan to take you everywhere

because we came and brought no chair.

You fold up flat when we are done

and provide us with a lot of fun.

Woe to those who go without

a Bum Box...they will truly pout!


Taylor and Jessica Hagan said...

You crack me up! Very clever! And you didn't even have to pay for it...nice:)

Taylor and Jessica Hagan said...

Hey Sandra, do you want us to refill Sox's green antibiotic pills? Before you left, you weren't sure if you wanted him to keep taking them...Let us know:)

Faith said...

How cute. I think Phil missed his calling. He should be a model.

Mark M said...

Great photos Phil. Mmmm, and all this time I thought you were going to Sydney to work :-)